Friday, February 15, 2008

Lent: Friday, First Week

The Choice

This devotion was about sin and our choice to ignore it or to confess it to God. The devotion was based on Gen 3 with Adam and Eve pointing their fingers at one another and blaming each other or the serpent for their bad choice.

In life, daily, we have choices. We can make choices that are pleasing to god or displeasing to him. When we fail, sin, we have the opportunity to be close to God; by allowing Him to bind us with forgiveness.

There were two key scriptures, one from the Old Testamet and one from the New Testament. These come from the Jeff Version.

Psalms 32:5 - God, I came to you and I confessed to you all of my wrongdoings and because of your greatness; you forgave me of my sins and wiped my guilt free.

1 John 1:9 - God is a faithful and just God and He will forgive us of our sins and He will wipe out all of our unrighteousness; if we come to Him and condess our sins.


Help me come clean, so you can make me clean


Doorman-Priest said...

Thanks Jeff, its what I needed to hear today.

Thoughts From Jeff said...

You are welcome, my friend. Have a good day.