Thursday, February 14, 2008

Birthday Party

Thanks to my wife, I am able to make this post and do it in minutes. She did all the work on the pics. i saved them and inserted them in and it took no time at all.

On Sunday, we had jacob's and Bethany's birthday party. Jacob's is on the 7th (he turned 9) and Bethany's today, the 14th 9she turned 5).

We had a combined birthday party at the pool. They had a good time and had a few friends each there. Here are some of the photos:

Jacob and his Balloon

Bethany and her Balloon

Hanging in the Pool

Bethany and her Girls

Jacob and the Boys

Stacey and Bethany ( mommy and bee )

One of the neat things for me to see was that there were a lot of children and parents from "church" that were there. It was just great to be with everyone outside of Sunday morning and it was kinda fitting with the message that spoken.

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