Friday, February 08, 2008

Jesus Without Religion

Book Description

In Jesus Without Religion, author Rick James begins by clearing his throat. Free of creeds, quarrels and specialized theologies, he speaks of Jesus. No dogma, no politics, no moral at the end. Jesus. What he said. What he did. And what, exactly, was the point. The answers about Jesus, according to Rick James, are in the context. In his own unconventional way, James recalls the specific contexts that color Jesus' story, bringing forward this man you've heard so much--and so little--about.

If I would have read the book description, I would have known more what I should of expected while I was reading the book. This is a book that I will probably re-pull off the bookshelf and try to re-read with the knowledge of "what lens to read this through". With that being said, the book was good. I think that it is vital for us to read scripture and read Jesus life with not any of the last 2,000 years of junk "us followers" have piled onto him.

If, we truly want to follow him and be like him, we need to be like the 'true him' not the one that we falsely have built. Here is where the problem lies. This will be a small rant that gets away from the book:

Too mny times, we as Christians, do things in Christ's name and they are not anywhere close ot what he did, thought or believed. One of the most interesting things that has occurred is the list of things that Jesus didn't do. People get upset about the list and say, "it ain't biblical". Uhhhh ???? It is not in scripture, so how can you say that he did do it. Ahhhhh, nevermind.

so, back to the book. Rick truly tries to strip away "religion" and look at Jesus. At times, many may think it s a little deep. But, if you want to see Jesus w/o the junk, take a look. Maybe, you will disagree ... that is fine. I am not 100% sure that I give full thumbs up but it is a book that is a little refreshing and a little challenging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haven't read this one, but just ordered it, along with a few others that you posted yesterday. I look forward to digging in and challenging my mind a little bit. Thanks for the review.