Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Interfaith Partnership

This morning, I had the opportunity to go to WAIP (Wooster Area Interfaith Partnership). This is an organization that I am looking at getting involved in. I am going to have to see if I can adjust some calendaring to make it a reality for myself though. Their meeting times, contradict another engagement.

So, what is WAIP ?

WAIP is a group of people in ministry from a diverse faith background in the Wooster area. We come together to promote religious understanding, tolerance and to provide an interfaith witness to the community.

Our goals include:

- To create an interfaith community based on understanding, friendship and trust

- To educate adherents and the public about customs and practices of faith traditions

- To provide interfaith public worship and ceremonies expressing local and global concerns

- To promote social justice, peace and human dignity

I really enjoyed meeting a few of the individuals from the local faith groups and look forward to partnering with them in many different aspects and ventures. I believe that this will be a great step for me in getting more "grounded" in the community and helping Wooster become even a better place for us to live.


Anonymous said...

How many of them did you save today? Or at least evangelise to. That would make Wooster a better place! :")

Thoughts From Jeff said...

It was amazing. I told them that they were all wrong about their beliefs and showed them in the Scriptures and all of them denounced their faiths and .......

Enough sarcasm ....

I should tell about the following:

They are hosting a Focus on Healing & Hope Day.

It is a Panel Presentation & Discussion on Spiritual Practices of Healing Prayer in Our Faith Traditions

I may post more about it or attend it and then post a recap on it. It is the next 2 Saturday's

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. How many faiths were represented?

Doorman-Priest said...

Sounds like my soert of thing.