Friday, April 11, 2008

A Christianity Worth Believing

Doug Pagitt has a new book that is coming out and it is called: A Christianity Worth Believing. Doug has been "slammed" by quite a few people recently especially for him not taking "stances" on certain theological issues. This all started with the conversation on the radio with the WOTM.

I have had the opportunity to meet Doug on a few occasions and even have had dinner and a drink with him last year in Indy. One thing that I do know about him is that he has passion for people and he wants people to know God and His love. He has great hope and he wants people to come to God and for the church to be what Christ hoped, dreamed and proclaimed.

Do i agree with everything that he says and does he agree with everything I said, "not a chance". But that is what is great. We are still family (God's adopted children) even though we do not agree on every single issue.

When the book comes out, I will be purchasing it and discussing the book. The reason is that I am trying to get a better grasp of what is happening in the "emergent/emerging" circles. The one thing that you must understand though is that Doug is not the only voice. More on that later.

Doug is releasing a few of the chapters out. He is reading the chapters. This could be a great introduction to the book and discussion. I want to strongly encourage you to take time and listen to the videos and let us discuss it in the comments and through blog post. Yes, they may be a little long, but you can have them playing in the background while you search and do other work on the computer.

BY THE WAY, if you disagree with him and the book; feel free to comment and dialogue. Difference of opinions are allowed.

Chapter 1: Part 1

Chapter 1: Part 2

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