Thursday, October 18, 2007

Quote to Ponder

Lord, take me where You want me to go;
Let me meet who you want me to meet;
Tell me what You want me to say, and
Keep me out of Your way

As doing some prep work for class on Sunday, I came across this quote. It is from Mychal Judge. I think that the quote is very important aspect that we will talk about in class but I also wanted to place it here on my blog.

Through the different conversations that I have been having and blogs that I have come across recently; this quote seems to fit into so many of the conversation. It is a quote that I am lifting up to God as a prayer.


Brian Vinson said...

That's a good quote. It reminds me of something I pray weekly as I step into the pulpit, which is something like this: God, speak through me or speak in spite of me. Whichever you choose to do is fine by me.

Mychals Prayer said...

Most of us first heard of Father Mychal Judge, the late New York fire chaplain and "the saint of 9/11", from that iconic photo of his body being carried from Ground Zero.

Yet even prior to his heroic death on 9/11, Father Mychal was widely seen by many New Yorkers as a living saint for his deep spirituality and his extraordinary work not only with firefighters -- but also with the homeless, recovering alcoholics, people with AIDS, immigrants, gays and lesbians, and others rejected by society.

This often annoyed the Roman church hierarchy. But like his spiritual father St. Francis of Assisi, Mychal reported directly to a Higher Authority, as evidenced by several miraculous healings through him.

For more information about Father Mychal, I invite you to visit:

Thoughts From Jeff said...

Mychals Prayer:

Thank you for commenting on the blog. I want to thank-you for the information and the link. I will have to take a look at the site soon.