Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Kids and I ......

are still alive.

Here is a little bit of what has occurred, nothing too exciting and nothing to jump around about - but it is our life and our journey together w/o mom.


We (Bethany and I) dropped Stacey off of at the airport and went home to get ready to pick up the boys from school. After picking them up and walking home, the kids did their homework and relax with 30 minutes of tv watching. After their TV viewing, we went to the park (Christmas Run) and had a good time. After the park, we went home and had dinner then headed off to the church for "The Zone". They were the only ones there but they still had class. After the class, they played in the youth room for about 30 mins and we headed home for our bedtime ritual.


We woke up and had breakfsat and made sure that everything was in the backpacks and that we were ready to walk to school. We walked to school and dropped the boys off. After, we droped the boys off at school; Bethany and I walked to the church. We spent about an hour at the church. I was doing some re-arranging in the youth room and she drew pictures. We then walked home and watch Mitilda before taking her to school. At 3 pm, I went to pick Bethany up for school and then we went and grabbed the boys from the school.

After school, we went up to Movies 10 and saw The Game Plan. It was a pretty good movie. After the movie, we stopped by Domino's to pick up pizza. I got guilt into it by the boys. It was Pizza Night for the school. So, we went and spent $ 18 at Domino's so the school could receive $ 1.80. I tried to convince them that we could just give them (the school) money but they wanted to do the pizza to support them. We grabbed the pizza and went to the church. We ate pizza, played some video games and watched a movie. We then headed home for the night time activities.

So, nothing earth shatterring but we are alive, we are surviving and we are enjoying life. I am not sure what we are going to do this afternoon / evening; there is some controversity brewing on "what to do" ......

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