Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Having Presence

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am going to have a "format" for my blog in 2007. There will be random posts and stories but I am going to use particular days to focus on particular "issues" in my blog posts.

On Wednesdays( which is today ), I am going to have a YOUTH MINISTRY post. So here is the first post for the new method:

Change is going to happen. I am in a stage of ministry right now where I am in the midst of numerous changes. We are changing everything and that is not much of an exaggeration. Most individuals will look at that as 'unhealthy' and not wise. But, we do have a vision on where we are going and all the changes are relevant to our mission and vision.

But, change is difficult especially in the context of youth ministry. There are and will be numerous individuals who do not understand and will question our reasoning but as leaders, we need to be the change agent and bring those individuals along.

One of the things that I am committing myself to this year is my presence. I am going to be delegating a lot of my office work and administrative duties out. With my new found time and re-arranging other ministry duties: I am going to have presence in my leadership team.

Presence is critical to substantial change (quote attributed to Mark-O). Thus, with numerous changes on the horizon, I am going to be spending time with them and investing heavily into them. I will listen to them, I will encourage them and I will keep panting the picture of where we are going and how all the pieces are/will come together.

We, in the youth ministry, can not be afraid to change. It is a daunting task but we can do it. We can make the change happen. But, before we can make the changes, we must recognize where we are and where we are wanting to go and then the changes can be mapped out.

There are great quotes on change. I will leave you with one of my favorites:

"Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." by John F. Kennedy

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