Friday, July 11, 2008

I Am Back .... Sorta

I am checking in for about 30 mins tonight. I just got home. Today was a long day with packing up the camp, going into town one last time for shopping and then the drive home.

The vacation was cut a day short because my grandma did pass away while we were on vacation. She died very early Thursday morning. I stayed down there with the family to have more family time and vacation time due to the visitation and funeral not being till tomorrow (Sat). Maybe I should have left right away to be home with everyone else, but you have to make decisions in life and I chose to squeeze out the most vac time in Nashville and still be at the visitations and funeral.

Vacation was very good. I will do some posting on that soon. I will probably do it on Sunday but it may be Monday. It all depends on what occurs.


Doorman-Priest said...

Sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.

Thoughts From Jeff said...


I appreciated the thoughts