Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This Looks Good ..... But ......

Baskin-Robbins Large Heath Bar Shake

Yummy. It does look good ..... BUT look at these numbers

Baskin-Robbins Large Heath Bar Shake

2,310 calories
108 g fat (64 g saturated)
266 g

Let's look at America's Worst Drink in numbers:

73: The number of ingredients that go into this milkshake.
66: The number of teaspoons of sugar this drink contains.
11: The number of Heath Bars you would have to eat to equal the number of calories found in one Baskin Robbins Large Heath Bar Shake.

The above facts are the reason that I was at 215# last year. For me to drink this or have other fatty foods were 'no biggie'. I did not think about the calories or fat grams in the food.

Did you notice the calories and fat grams in that thing ???

What about the SUGAR ??????



Doorman-Priest said...

Get thee behind me Satan!

It is always a shock to discover that what is marketed as healthy is actually very far from it.

Wonder Woman said...

Salt is important to check out as well...

Not that there is much in ice cream heavenly desserts. BUT it's the sugar, fat, and salt that will kick your ass every time :)

WW :)