Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Shack

Well, I have been putting off this book for a few reasons, but I decided that it was time to read the book. I read it this past weekend at greyhound bus stations and at my in-laws house.

I have had slight pressure to read the book for awhile and I have read many reviews, blog entries and dialogue in debates on the book and the contents of what might be in the book (subject matters covered).

But, I had put it on the 'wait list' because I had plenty of books to read, I am not a huge novel fan and the book is my wife's not mine. HOWEVER, I told her that I would take the book on my trip and be done when I got back.

I did finish the book. It was tough to get into the book for me. I knew this was going to be the case for me. Emotions over came me. I am sure that numerous people thought I was losing my mind as tears were streaming down my face in the bus station reading a book. I am not sure if I have ever cried reading a book till this one. Movies, yes ... books, no. Well, this one brought the tears for me.

As mentioned, I have not read too many novels lately, but this one is the best novel that I have ever read. It truly was brilliant and the writing is truly a masterpiece.

There are plenty of nuggets in the book. There are statements and conversations that occurred that I will hold tight to me.

After finishing the book, I can see why there would be some that would be very uncomfortable with the book and how it portrays the "trinity". However, it is a novel and it is a book to break open your thinking on God and the book does that in many levels.

The one aspect that rings true and there has been tons of conversations on the web is about the "power" of the trinity and if it is hierarchy. The book does a great job answering and sharing his thoughts on the subject and I love the relationship and the dance that takes place.

One of my many favorite lines is the following:

Don't confuse adaptation for intention or seduction for reality.

This sentence comes out of the conversation about relationships, hierarchy and power that comes from it. It is a fascinating thought to grapple with.

Another great line came in the midst of a conversation and here is the line:

My church is all about people and life is all about relationships. You can't build it.

Those words are words that we need to cling to. We really need to go simple. We need to be about people, their lives and the relationships that make them up.

Mack (the main character) also has a great conversation with the Father and here are some of the Father's words:

I don't just want a piece of you and a piece of your life. Even if you were able, which you are not, to give me the biggest piece, that is not what I want. I want all of you and all of every part of you and your day. I want to be the center.

This thought is crucial and is the center element of The Passionate Life. We can not ask God to be "part" of our life. This is where we screw things up greatly. We need for Him to be the center. We need to live Him out. Do not make Him, church, religion part of your life (carving out time/segment).

I did not want to give any information regarding the story line because I want your journey to be unique. Go and grab the book, take a read. Enjoy. You may need to battle some of your theological stances, but do it and see what you think of God.

In the end of the book, the tears came again and the book was tough to finish. But I am glad that I did. Being a daddy and having a little girl ........

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