Thursday, July 05, 2007

The First Week ....

Our House

The first week here has been good. We are beginning to settle into the house. The kids rooms are looking very good. The kitchen is moving along well ( minus the cabinets ). The dining room looks excellent. The family room is shaping up. The living room is waiting for furniture. Now are bedroom and the basement ( with all the boxes ) that is another story .....

The Office

My boxes are in the office. A few have been unpacked. I am hoping to accomplish that task later on this afternoon ( after lunch ). I will have to clear out some space on the built-in book shelves before I can "really" go to town. I then hope to start putting up some pics and items on the walls tomorrow.

The Church

The services on Sunday were nice. We are in the middle of a series on the Lord's prayer. Youth group was very casual. I showed them a preview of Big Stuf ( planting the seed early ) and then Bernie ( the interim ) did the lesson. They are working through a series on Batman Begins and the lesson was on "Walking in the Light".

I am also having meetings this week: staff, church council, financial secretary, etc .. to get my feet wet and to begin the process to hearing the needs of the church and the community.

The first major thing that is occurring is VBS. The youth will also be having a Bonfire and a music festival ( Blink ). So, those are the major things occurring in the next 6 weeks at church.

We have alsosat with church members for the fireworks on the 3rd and were at a cook-out on the 4th with church members. It is great to get to know them.

The Family

The family is doing pretty well. Bethany is at soccer this week. She seems to be enjoying it. After about 30 mins. though - she hits the wall and wants to be done. But she perseveres through the last 15 mins. Jacob is starting the slow process of settling in. He went over to a family's house from the church yesterday and got introduced to a few kids around his age .....

Well, I have been on here for about 10 mins. I must sign-off and get ready for my 10 o'clock meeting and begin to outline some of the things that I want / need to do within the job description at the church.


Heaven said...

Glad to hear that everyone seems to be doing ok and that you are settling in to your new home.

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are getting settled in (Ha) There is no way that you can really be settled in this fast with three children and so much to do.

I wanted to send you a website to read on receiving gifts. It should clear up any questions you may have on receiving monetary gifts.

Anonymous in Bham

'neice said...

Glad kou are starting to get settled...and hotting the ground running! :)

Angie said...

I know the feeling all too well of getting things settled! We still have a few boxes waiting for attention a month later! Many blessings on you and your family and the folks you'll be ministering to. I'm so happy for all of you!