Friday, September 21, 2007

A Long Week

It has been a very long week. Overall it has been a good one, but here are a few highlights for those of you who try to follow what is happening in our family life. I know that I have not blogged that much lately.


Sunday was a busy day with the three worship services at church, sunday school kick-off which included a rally, confirmation began ( I teach ), our Sunday afternoon ministry began.


Monday was a busy office day because I knew that I was going to be out of the office most of the week. Monday afternoon, I attempted to catch the ms girls volleyball game ( one of the girls from confirmation plays ) before I went to council. I only got to see warm up but had a great coversation with mom. Council meeting was excellent with fellowship and sharing about ministry.

It was also Bethany's first day of preschool in the state of O-H-I-O

The boys also had soccer foot skills.


Stacey did not have a great weekend and was in pain. Her surgeon was willing to see her so we went up there for an exam. the exam went okay but they decided another procedure was needed and scheduled it for Friday.

I came home and spent a few hours in the office. I came home for dinner and took the boys to a varsity girls hs soccer game. This accomplished a few things. One, it helped them understand defense a little better and we got to see a hs girl from our church play and talk to their parents.


I prepared most of my lessons and then had some family time before I went to meet with some guys from the church. We sat around and played cards and laughed and told stories. Following the night of cards .. Stacey, Isaiah and myself went to Cold Stone for ice cream.


We left at 5 am to drive up to Cleveland for Isaiah. He had an MRI done. I got back into town early in the afternoon and spent a couple hours in the office before going to an Upward Basketball coaches meeting and then to their school for a PTO meeting.

Friday (today)

We left at 4:30 in the morning to go to Cleveland. This time it was for Stacey and her procedure. The procedure seemed to go well. We got back around 3 pm. I took the kids over to the church building to play while I did some final prep - still have about 1-2 hours of work left. We then went over and grabbed some pizzas and ate them while vegging. Stacey is knocked out while Isaiah is watching tv, Jacob is running around like a mad man and Bethany is getting into everything upstairs.

It is almost time to stake out the spot on the floor and go nighty nighty. We have to be at the soccer field for Bethany's soccer game at 8:45

1 comment:

Dreaming again said...

You remain in my prayers. Your courage in all this is remarkable.

It is, wonderful, is it not, to be able to rest in the hand of God?