Monday, March 05, 2007

Foot Washing Service = Hazing

Ok, I usually am not one who would comment on this type of an issue but I decided on this one, I am going to comment and use my blog to put this issue out there. Most of the times when I hear Christians 'whine' about unfair treatment .... I think that they go overboard and are being ridiculous ... but this is different.

Here is the scoop:

“It’s ridiculous that a public university would kick a ministry off campus simply for exercising its First Amendment right to free speech and to model Christ’s ministry among its members,” These are the words from the attorney who filed the lawsuit against Savannah State University.

I am sure that you are asking what did they do ??? Well, this is what the students did and what the school did to them ....

The School action ......
On April 10, university officials informed the group it that it was suspended from campus. Suspension is the second highest sanction against a student group under the Savannah State University Code of Student Ethics. Suspended groups are denied access to university benefits and facilities.

What the students did do cause this action ....
The university complained that the ministry had engaged in “harassment,” because its members shared their faith with other students, and “hazing,” because its leaders washed the feet, as Jesus did with his disciples, of new members during a worship service. Foot washing is an ancient Christian custom reflecting Jesus’ service and love for his disciples. The university took the position that foot washing was “an activity which endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of a student, regardless of the student’s willingness to participate in such activity.”

And it did not end because the students did the following and the school did the following:

On Sept. 11, university officials applied the highest sanction, complete and formal expulsion from campus, alleging that the group violated its suspension when some of its members individually participated in a contemporary Christian music event during the weekend.

Here is the story

Lawsuit ... here we come. I will be interested in seeing what happens.

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