Sunday, September 16, 2012

In Marshall

Yesterday, I drove 806 miles from Fishers, Indiana to Marshall, Minnesota. Thus, the adventure has begun. Last night, i checked into the Comfort Inn. I stayed there last night and will be staying there tonight. I am not sure where I am laying my head after tonight. I might be sleeping at camp. I might be staying in a house of a former member of the church who is living in a different city or i may be staying in my office and showering at the Y. I am not sure - kinda odd but kinda exciting.

Today was my first day at St. Stephen and it was a great day. They have a traditional and a contemporary service with Sunday School in-between. they had baptisms at both services. There are numerous things that I saw or observed that made me glad that I am here. They are the following:

- education opportunities for almost everyone on Sunday mornings
- Sunday afternoon / evenings are "down time"
- children remain in the worship service for the entire time
- very active milestone ministry
- low-key / relaxed feel (tough to explain)
- the use of the lectionary

This morning, I sat in on the Junior High SS class that was led by an adult named Jeff who has been teaching and involved in youth programming for six years. Sunday School at St. Stephen is more low-key and fun than educational. They use it for their social component of ministry. Their transform/education/cathecism is on Wednesday nights. However, even though they had high emphasis on social - snowball fight - Jeff re-emphasized the Small Catechism and had them answering questions about it, the church and Martin Luther.

I am looking forward to confirmation. I am not the "main teacher" as I have been in the past. Instead, I am a small group leader with Brenda. That should be a blast.

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