Monday, December 08, 2008

Not Walking & Gaining Weight

I have not been walking as much in the last 4 weeks. Granted, I am still putting a lot of steps in. However, my calorie intake the previous 8 weeks have been used. Thus, with the holidays and being "use" to eating that much, I have continued.

Well, my steps are down, my metabolism has "adjusted" and the weight is coming back on. Now, I am still a good 40 pounds down from my high. But, I know that if I continue to gain 1 pound a week and not watch, that this time next fall, I could be back up there.

It is time to "reign" this back it. I need to get back to W&W. No, not weight watchers .. but water (drinking) and walking (high total).

So, here we go, yesterday and today were not high step totals but starting tomorrow, it is recommit. To recommit, I need to get to the Gault. Walking in the snow and cold is just not working.

For those of you curious, I am on my way back from New Orleans.


Doorman-Priest said...

We need the proof. We need the before and after shots.

Thoughts From Jeff said...

I will try to get some pics in the near future.