Wednesday, December 17, 2008


In the US, they say that a family needs to make 200% of the poverty guidelines to live a "sustainable" life. Our family makes $9,000 LESS a year then the 200%.

The above is just for informational sake. I am not sure what the 200% and sustainable life really means, I will have to look into that more


Over the next several weeks, I am going to make some posts dealing with poverty.


Did you know that in our county ( county of 115,000 ) that we have 3,700 children who live in poverty (100% guideline or less) and have only a mom ?


Did you know that in our (my) county that 1 out of 5 adults over the age of 25 does not have their hs diploma or a GED ?


Did you know that 11,000+ people in our county live in poverty at the 100% rate ?


Some of the blogging is going to come under the following guidelines:

ending poverty in our nation, in our lifetime (until it's gone)

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