Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Verse Study: 1 Peter 5:8-9

Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.” 

The verse is a great reminder to me in the following manner:

- keep the 3 C's: Calm, Cool and Collective.

- no matter what is happening - keep the guard up - which is tough

- we are no alone in this journey

- sufferring won't last forever -THANK GOD

- God gets the last word

Maybe, firm grip on Faith is what really jumps out to me.

Martin Luther King Jr used this language in regards to faith:

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase.”
From a personal standpoint, I think that we have done this in my new ministry adventure. We did not and still do not have the answers on many issues regarding this move but we took the step.

The ministries at the church and the university are going great. It is tough with the wife and kids in Indiana and me being in Minnesota. It is very difficult in not knowing where we will live when they come. It is tough for me not really having a place to call home while I am here. I am still not sure if the finances are there to cover our expenses but I have faith and I hope that peace is there at times. Even though, I know that my stress level is through the roof at times.

We are so thankful for the opportunity that God has presented us and the individuals that are helping us through this journey.


Mike in Madison, Wisc said...

Hi Jeff,
I like your 'thoughts of the day', especially your definition of faith. Thanks for your blog!

Mike (Southwest State grad, 1974, and active in both the Lutheran and Roman Catholic groups at the CRC)

Thoughts From Jeff said...

Thank-you for your comment. My comments are being sent to a different email; so I missed this comment.

I will get back to the verse of the day. Love the connection :)