Yes, I am alive. It has been a very long week and I am working on a few different projects and the time is slipping past and I am not coming to the blog to type out any thoughts and I am not checking any of my favorite blogs either and that is a little sad.
One of the quotes that I mentioned that has been swirling around my head is the following: Your direction, not your intentions, will determine your destination.
We, at Zion, are in the midst of changing our direction as it relates to children, youth and family. The change in direction ( in my opinion ) is absolutely necessary because we will not end up where we want to be by going in the same direction.
Over the last 2 years, we have had good intentions and we have made a few shifts, but not a true directional change and those intentions are not going to get us where we want to be. Thus, we are changing direction.
I do not know if the directional changes will completely lead us to that destination. I am not sure if the changes that we are implementing will be successful. However, I feel very strongly that God has been pressing these on my heart.
In the end, I did not want to sit in staff meeting next May evaluating program/ministry and go, this year was not too successful. I wonder what the ministry would look like today if we made the changes.
So, what if propelled me to change direction.
I fully believe the change of direction will lead us to our destination.
We have the potential to reach individuals that we normally would not reach.
To some, the change is going to be very small.
To some, the change is going to be very large.
For me, I am looking forward to the change and the adventure that is about to occur. There is still alot of work to do over the next 31 days till we "launch" the new ministry.
More details coming.